Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mega Church and other things people do not understand

Many people make comments about the church without the first understanding about the body they speak of. The conversation become out of the world when people whp profess to have faith and show little when they comment about a church they have no or little understanding about. The reason this is evident is because if they beleived that God is still lives and gives each of us a mission in life, how do you or I know what God has put on anothers heart. The thing God wants us to do is to take our gifts and to serve him with the fullnest that he has given us, but many have become so intellectual that we can put everything in it proper prospective for God even though he did not ask us to. Now if all of us whom beleive in God are part of his church then what tabernacle we attend will make very little difference and isnce we beleive that God is still on the throne then faith tell us where to attend and whom to follow. These so call intellectuals will never understand this. People whom beleive that one can travel from church to church becuase we do not like what is preached are not true belivers of the Lord when it is that easy. God does not like tabernacle hoppers, they are luke warm and will be spilled out.

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